5 skills every account manager should have

by Kimberley Leo
Tue, 06/06/2017 - 13:32

Being an account manager is no easy feat. In many ways, an account manager simply sounds like a glorified secretary – answering phone calls and replying to emails. However, there is a lot more that goes on behind our screens. In order to be an account manager, the following skills are crucial.
Being organised 
This is most definitely one of the skills that can make the job a whole lot easier. Simply knowing where certain emails are sitting and how to get to a document in under a minute can help an account manager get out of many sticky situations. From day one, organise your emails and documents as best as possible. Because once the mess and disorganisation kick in, it can feel like you will never again have order. Don't be afraid to spend time arranging your folders. You might feel like you are wasting time and could be more productive with your day, but it will most certainly save you many minutes later on.
Having patience 
This is a must-have skill in account management. An account manager is the middle-man between the client and the production team, which means you manage and deal with both sides on a daily basis. Remaining calm and having patience is a skill that is put to the test regularly. 
Being a people's person 
As an account manager, we deal with people. It’s what we do. The job entails constantly communicating with either the production team – explaining to them what the client expects of us – or the client, which means understanding their expectations and making sure we’re able to deliver. Having good communication skills, whether writing, conversing or presenting, is definitely a skill that is needed.  
Knowing what you’re doing 
Knowledge is key in this career. The field is constantly developing and you need to remain on top of it all. An account manager should have knowledge in all departments, namely: content, creative, social media, website development, search engine optimisation and design. An account manager needs to understand all of the processes because at any minute a client can put you on the spot with a complex question.
Being strategic and proactive
This links in with the above skill as one needs to be knowledgeable to be strategic and proactive. An account manager needs to be fully informed about the account they are managing in order to make proactive decisions to sweep the client off their feet. Due to being in a field that is constantly growing and evolving, an account manager needs to make strategic decisions to ensure that the client knows that their company’s digital marketing is in the hands of a fully capable and reliable individual who is able to make informed decisions backed by firm strategies.

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