Oh cook(ie). What now?

Thu, 18/04/2024 - 08:58

After numerous delays and flip-flops, Google has finally confirmed the phase-out of third-party cookies in Chrome, starting with 1% of users in January 2024. But fear not, marketers; this isn't the apocalypse.

While third-party cookies allowed advertisers to track users across the web and build detailed profiles, raising significant privacy concerns, their demise paves the way for a more ethical and privacy-focused advertising landscape.

So, what does this mean for you?

Firstly, prioritise collecting first-party data directly from your customers. This can be done through website forms, surveys, and loyalty programs. By understanding your audience's preferences, you can personalise communication and leverage cost-effective advertising methods like email marketing.

Secondly, explore alternative solutions like Google's Privacy Sandbox and Meta's Conversion API (CAPI). These tools allow targeting based on anonymous groups or leveraging first-party data for ad delivery — respectively.

Thirdly, consider collaborating with partners to create "second-party data" segments by combining your existing customer data without compromising individual privacy.

While navigating this cookieless future requires time and adaptation, the good news is that effective alternatives are available. Embrace the change, prioritise ethical data practices, and get ready to explore the exciting new world of cookieless marketing.

Ready to discuss your post-cookie marketing strategy? Get in touch with us today!

To read the full article by CEO, Charlie Stewart, head over to where it was first published on MarkLives 

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