The process of creating a blog topic for internet consumption

Thu, 31/05/2018 - 09:21

The internet is a huge place with extensive reach to human beings all over the world. The chances of creating content that will capture at least a handful of these internet users are greatly dependent on your topic, word choice, and word count. 

But how does one go about creating a topic for internet consumption? What are the requirements that will satisfy Google’s algorithms and draw a user’s cursor to the link? As content writers, it’s our job create topics that not only meet those requirements but those of the client as well. 

So, let’s get to it, shall we?

Understand the client 

First of all, Google’s requirements won’t matter if you can’t get your topic ideas approved by the client. They are the first aspect of the topic creation process you need to understand. Mainly, you’ll need to understand the brand, tone and target market of the client. 

  • Brand: Who is the client? What are their values and mission statement? What product or service do they provide? If you don’t understand the brand, you’ll never be able to create a relevant topic. And relevance, by the way, is the name of the game when it comes to client and internet approval. 
  • Target market: Another important aspect of the client is their company’s target market. You need to know who you’ll be communicating to and whose attention you’re supposed to be grabbing through your topic. 
  • Tonality:  When you’re confident and comfortable with the brand and the target market, you’ll be able to create a voice and tonality in your client articles that will match the client. From that, you will know how to create a topic that will be true to the brand and who they’re trying to get into business with. 

Understand the keyword 

The next thing you need to understand is the keyword assigned to the article task. The information from keyword research is what makes your topic and content internet-friendly. These keywords are the terms internet users are searching, which are related to the client’s brand, products and services. 

Having this information sets content writers up with everything they need to put together a relevant topic about what users are searching for and want to know. Now, it’s not just about throwing the keyword into the article in a sentence that makes sense on its own but not in the context of the client. 

Context is important and, unless the way you use the keyword makes sense in terms of the client, the topic won’t be approved. You need to understand the keyword, research how it fits the client’s brand and offerings and take it from there. 

But keywords are, basically, where most topics are born, so it’s rather important to understand them.   

Understand the internet 

Lastly, before you can actually start the article, your topic needs to appeal to the internet (yes, the whole thing). Once you have an idea of a topic that is relevant to the client and keyword, you need it to be relevant to the platform on which you’re publishing to. 

Certain platforms only approve certain topics that they believe their followers will want to read. They also require readability and SEO elements within the article as a whole before it can be published. Then there are the online considerations of word count limits for headlines, headline formats and rankings, because, well, who’s going to click on a title that shows up on page three of a Google search?

To recap 

Okay, so in order to create a topic for internet consumption, you need to understand the client, the keyword and the internet. Seems pretty simple, right? Well after you’ve created a topic, you do realise that comprehensible content needs to follow those titles? 

The topic is the tip of the iceberg and you rarely only come up with one topic at a time. This is why we have so much trust in our content team at Rogerwilco, the best digital marketing company in Cape Town, if we do say so ourselves. Handfuls of topics (and the content that follows) are edited and approved on a daily basis. This is so our client’s content is out where it needs to be in order to market their brand based on search engines and what users are searching. Can you see how it all comes together yet? Either way, we can, so trust us to get it done. 

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