Interactive content is the future of content marketing … here’s what it can do for you

Mon, 01/06/2020 - 08:18

Written content has proven to be king; for several reasons, including the ability to improve SEO opportunities, generate sales leads, create brand awareness – and the list goes on. But as we evolve with the times, your approach to content must change before the novelty wears off. Fortunately, digital transformation has encouraged this shift in mindset. Us content marketers are continually finding new ways to deliver engaging content without ignoring the reasons why we create content online. 

So, what is interactive content anyway? 

Ever landed on a Buzzfeed quiz; one that reveals the type of bread you are? We’ve all been there. This silly, yet interactive example is a real catch because it keeps you focused. Why? Because we need to know what type of bread we are. We also need to know which Hogwarts house we’re in.

In digital marketing, we’re continually talking about user experience (UX), and this is exactly it –  a unique approach that will improve or simplify a customer’s experience with your brand. Other popular examples of interactive content include surveys, polls, calculators, infographics, memes and more.

The purpose of interactive content is to better engage customers. And faster. Now, the consumer can consume your business’s information on their terms and in a fun, easily consumable manner. This creative change can lead to increases in engagement, website traffic, and essentially, conversions. 

Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average; that’s a lot of searches. And in such a competitive market space, customers need to sieve through a ton of content before they find what they’re looking for. According to a recent study done by the University of Denmark, the “abundance of information narrows our collective attention span,” meaning it’s incredibly difficult to attract new customers and appeal to existing ones using standard solutions. In addition, “90 percent of consumers report that they want more visual and interactive content.” That’s massive. 

But good thing, it’s one of our strong points. Rogerwilco’s in-house creative and strategy experts can help your content evolve by incorporating interactive assets into your content strategy. Consult with our digital marketing strategists to discuss compelling solutions that will transform the customer journey.

Here’s what interactive content can do for your business:

  • Get to know what your customers like 

Every business should make it their priority to understand exactly who their customers are and what they want from your brand. With access to so many digital tools, particularly artificial resources, there should be no excuse as to why you’re not delivering high-quality content that resonates with your audiences. It’s fair to say that consumers are bombarded with so much information that they’re likely to choose a business, and content medium, that piques their interest. Once more customers become expecting of interactive options, they will seek this information elsewhere before reading your blog. 

  • Persuade customers with creativity 

Interactive content is ideal if you plan to inform or educate your audiences. Your call-to-actions (CTAs), along with compelling content will encourage readers to make an immediate decision. The more user-friendly and engaging your content delivery is, the more likely a customer will convert. If they don’t, you can use this as feedback to determine the potential of the interactive channel you’ve chosen. 

  • Succeed with sharable content 

Influence the minds of your customers, and create engaging content that people want to share. Brainstorm ways to deliver personalised content; content that makes customers feel personally entertained. If a customer is prepared to share a piece of content, it caught their attention. Once they share your content, you will see a significant boost in website traffic from a wider audience. 

Final thoughts 

If your goal is to drive leads, create brand awareness or engage a wider audience, interactive content has the potential to take your business to new heights. With such a huge creative influence across the internet, there are so many content assets to consider experimenting with for your brand. By speaking to a marketing specialist from Rogerwilco, you will be able to gather more information on how to migrate into this space and give your business a competitive advantage. Allow us to help you achieve the above; we’ll give your content a fresh perspective to meet the needs of your modern customers.

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