Why you should leverage video in your B2B marketing strategy

Thu, 15/10/2020 - 14:52

When you think about brand awareness on social media, it’s not often that a business-to-business (B2B) organisation springs to mind. Naturally, the social space is swallowed up by ambitious giants trying to win over their consumers. This, of course, doesn’t make it easy for B2B businesses wanting a slice of this cake. But to be fair, it's not like they’ve tried. 

Yes … of course, they’ve tried. But to what extent? Digital media has shown impressive results for B2B companies in a multitude of industries, so it really comes down to how it is executed. Social content is evolving into video-first content, making it much easier for customers to consume. According to this article, the average human attention span is eight seconds. It’s no wonder why people prefer to watch a video or view an infographic rather than read a blog post. Especially on social media; such a personal platform that is accessed by people on-the-go. 

Many organisations, and even marketers, in the business to business space, are hesitant to explore video due to its complexities. And, to be frank, they’re scared of failure. But it is not as daunting as it seems. With the right creative specialists and marketing team to back you, you’re able to achieve the results you’ve been looking for regardless of your industry. 

Don’t shy away from these content mediums, or even the social channels for “consumer” content. If you truly believe that these platforms are reserved for industries other than yours;  you’re missing out on a goldmine opportunity. Look at this article; “80% of B2B leads generated by social media traffic originates on LinkedIn.” It’s no surprise. This social platform has become professionals’ morning newspaper and go-to app when they’re taking a coffee break. And this is all done on mobile. If you take a look at the latest mobile statistics, “80% of B2B buyers are using mobile at work.” To add, “more than 60% report that mobile played a significant role in a recent purchase”, and “Google has found that about 50% of B2B queries today are made on smartphones alone.” This is bound to increase in years to come.

So, if you’re looking for a B2B digital agency partner, Rogerwilco can assist you. We’ll gladly unpack your business model and advise the right way forward. With years of expertise to offer, our recommendations are backed by real-time data insights and proven results. 

Let’s take a peek into the powerful benefits that video can have for your B2B brands. 

Videos allow you to focus on educational content 

B2B businesses focus most of their marketing efforts on hard selling. This, of course, is the objective for any business, but when you’re selling a complex product or service, you need to balance out your material and minimise your lead generation focus. With videos, it is a perfect opportunity to focus on demand generation; use videos to communicate your messaging in a light, educational manner. Take the time to help your audiences become more informed about your business and its potential; giving them the tools to make better decisions. When brands are confident about an offering, they will attract long-term buyers.

Videos create authentic connections with customers 

Engaged customers are more likely to take action. B2B environments require trust and sincerity; companies are investing in ideas that can either boost or shatter their bottom line. Having said that, B2B sales are emotional conversions that take time. When you create video footage that portrays your business as a transparent leader, which is able to solve a company’s exact pain points, you’re building authentic connections that have legs. During this approach, you can also tailor your B2B content marketing plan to meet your desired buyer’s needs. Any interaction on your videos will allow you to engage with the client directly. 

Videos give you a competitive edge in your industry 

This is a great opportunity to break through that mentality of “boring” B2B marketing. Differentiate your business in its industry, and make it easier for customers to understand your offerings against your competitors’. Don’t conform to a social media marketing or video-free strategy because of what others have experienced with these platforms. Make sure you’re always one step ahead while you’re monitoring your competitors’ movements. 

Videos give you powerful sales collateral to work with

Whatever you do, always consider the receiver’s state of mind. How do you plan to keep your prospect listening? As mentioned, the average attention span is “eight seconds”; this does not change in B2B environments. A text-heavy, 15-page presentation will not impress over a two-minute video with the same message. If anything, you’ll lose your customer after the fifth page. Keep your conversations simple and clear; minus the rambling. By having a variety of content assets to present to potential buyers, your sales teams will be able to use them to their advantage, regardless of the audience or objective of the sales meeting. 

Final thoughts  

If you take advantage of video marketing, you’re benefiting your entire digital marketing strategy as it will even add value to your SEO campaigns. By optimising your video content, you’re pleasing Google and, of course, your target audiences. Times are changing, and B2B industries are no longer the “boring” industries as they were once labelled. Give your customers a refreshed, engaging experience with your brand and watch your sales soar. Business to business marketing is truly what you make of it; show your customers who you are. Consult one of our digital marketing strategists today, and start leveraging video in your content marketing approach.

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