Is your B2B sales collateral hurting your brand?

Mon, 02/03/2020 - 09:56

B2B marketing has been pushed and pulled from pillar to post, challenging marketers in more ways than one. The minute you feel as if you’re getting somewhere, well, the times are a-changin’ – again. 

But the secret to winning your clients’ hearts still remains the same: personalisation.

If you think you’re not competing in a competitive market space, you’ve been horribly misled. While B2C tactics might influence change on a global level, you still need to find your own approach that will help you stand out from businesses which offer the same, or similar, products and services. 

And how do you do that?

Well, let’s dive in. 

Before you read any further, please note: you could have the best sales team in the game, but digital marketing is a rollercoaster that changes overnight. You might be on a lead generation winning spree, but it takes one prospect to disregard your pitch, and it could have a serious domino effect. So, having said that, there is always room for improvement. And often, that starts with your collateral. 

You need to build targeted sales collateral that is unique. More often than not, companies are one step ahead of you in the sales department because they’ve done the work. They’ve gone the distance to create an experience that is relatable and hyper-relevant to a brand’s immediate needs. 

Read our tips on how to improve your collateral and take your business to new heights.

Put in the (research) work 

If you don’t know where to start, the first step would be to consult with a digital marketing agency on your existing B2B sales collateral. Rogerwilco, for instance, can analyse your business and strategise on collateral that is bound to grow your bottom line. Do your research and put together a collection of commonly-used content assets. Once you’ve collected the different types, you can distinguish what type of content caught your eye, and what competitors are doing to drive sales. Only once you understand what your business truly does, will you be able to filter the rubbish out of your collateral.

Test the waters with other content elements  

To harp on the previous point: strategy is key. A B2B digital marketing agency can help you prioritise the strategic element behind your sales collateral. We’ve found that many business owners are reluctant to gather data and insights on what type of information generates more leads. So, do not limit your collateral to one type of asset as this could, potentially, be the reason why you’re slacking. 

Honestly, if you don’t have a kick-ass creative team designing your PowerPoint presentation or shooting your explainer videos, you can forget it. We know that the point of this is to showcase your strengths, but a boring display of the same medium could affect your business’s contextual relevance even more. Always remember, your collateral is a potential client’s first impression of your business. 

Design quality and quantity needs more effort 

Marketers have always been trained to believe “the more, the merrier”. However, as humans become less interested in fluff, they expect to be impressed with the least amount of disruption. So, when you put together your collateral, make sure you focus on your strongest points; less is more. Don’t overwhelm potential clients with PowerPoint after PowerPoint that well, does nothing for their current challenges. Personalise your content according to the client, and speak to their pain points. 

One size does not fit all in B2B 

Find your niche and stick to that. The B2B marketing space is congested as it is, so it’s important for salespeople to adjust their content for their targeted audience. You wouldn’t pitch the same deck of information for construction as you would for an AI-inspired technology company. The sales collateral you build will need a basic foundation; however, the details will need to be tweaked as you sell. And of course, if your salespeople are struggling to close deals, you need to revisit this content. Keep it as an open, living document that changes according to industry trends, client behaviour or feedback. 

Shift your focus and revolutionise your strategy 

Well, there you have it. If you want to accelerate your sales cycle, your collateral needs to be better. Speak to a marketing strategist who can assist you in customising your content, and aligning it with your business’s goals. Our teams will be happy to provide you with detailed insights into your market, and of course, guide you on how to reach your prospects, and turn luke-warm leads into game-changers! 


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